The Counterweighted Drop-Pole is shipped in 3 pieces:
(A) The Drop Pole, consisting of a flanged base and lower swing section with
separate upper extension strapped to it.
(B) The Windcone, with attachment (clevis) arms strapped to it.
(C) The ball-bearing Swivel contained in a cardboard box with other hardware
1. Pour Concrete Foundation.
Suggested size 2'-0" x 2'-0" x 4'-0" to 5'-0" deep.
Set (4) 3/4" x 14" length galvanized bolts on 10 inch centers with 2" to 3"
extension above concrete.
2. Mount flanged pole and counterweighted swing section onto anchor bolts and
secure with nuts.
3. Tilt swing section horizontal, prop in position against horizontal stop on
4. Insert and bolt top pole section. Smear two-part epoxy (supplied) on joint to
assure tight fit.
5. Mount swivel complete with rotary lampholder to structural "C" condulet
(pre-attached) on top pole section. Insert the 150 W Par 38 Flood lamp.
6. Assemble the two clevis arms and basket to swivel. The two arms have (2) 3/8"
x 3 1/2" stainless steel bolts. The basket attaches to clevis arms with (4)
5/16" x 1 1/2" stainless steel bolts.
7. Pull windsock over windcone basket. Lace cord through grommets and around
leading hoop. Secure tightly.
8. Fill counterweight with sand. This might be easier with pole partly raised.
It can be locked in this position by tightening nut on pivot pin. Note, there is
about 75 pounds out of balance without sand in the counterweight tank.
9. With counterweight filled, loosen pivot nut and swing pole to upright
position. Secure with wing nut and washer.
10. Adjust descent of pole. Even with counterweight filled with sand, it is
still out of balance at the windsock end. There are large, thin stainless steel
washers between pole channel section sides and the swing section. By tightening
the pivot-pin nut, these washers squeeze on the swing section and function as a
Adjust the brake feature until descent is easily controlled.
11. Wiring and electrical attachments:
Push (2) #14 insulated wires or 14-2 flex cable through hollow pivot pin.
(Wiring is easier if fed through pole before upper section is attached). There
is a slot with deflector to guide wire into swing section.
Connect pole wire with swivel wire at "C" condulet using marrett connectors and
fasten with tie wrap in condulet.
Mount 3/4" LBA entrance fitting on pivot pin and end the pole wire with at least
8" for connecting power supply.
12. Mount on/off switch, enclosure, (and if included, the electrical converter
P2818) to pole with bolts supplied.
Fit 3/4" conduit between switch enclosure (and converter if included) and pivot
Fit power supply conduit to on/off switch.
Connect (2) #14 insulated wires from on/off switch to converter to the pole
13. Grounding:
Connect #6 ground wire to flange of pole and to 3/4" x 10" copper ground rod.
Connect supply conduit to ground rod.
Connect converter to supply conduit.
14. Connect power supply.
15. Make certain wing nut and washer is firmly tightened.
©2003 P. Wedge Co. Ltd.